
CSA Swiss Chapter Board Members Participated at mysecurityevent

At the mysecurityevent on 05 and 06 June 2024, CSA Swiss Chapter Board Members Maria Zidkova and Rolf A. Becker participated.

June 6, 2024

At themysecurityevent on 05 and 06 June 2024, CSA Swiss Chapter Board Members MariaZidkova and Rolf A. Becker participated. Many CISOs and CISO team members havebeen present. Practice orientated presentations by CISOs together with eitherother CISOs or with solution providers gave interesting insights into real livecyber security challenges. In several networking conversations around theevent, the need for globally standardized assessments with trusted remediationof findings of cloud based services came up as an important requirement.Current certifications such as ISO 27001 or also SOC2 Type 2 are consideredinsufficient for heavily regulated industry customers of SaaS, resulting incostly and duplicative assessments and remediation exercises performed by eachcustomer on each of their service providers processing sensitive data. The CSAGlobal EATO Working Group is specifying a new assessment and certificationframework which includes remediation of findings re control compliancedeficiencies before issuing the certification, this will going forward providean independent and trusted certification for SaaS providers which willsubstantially reduce efforts of customers and providers of such SaaS servicesto regulated industries.

Event in Pictures

We are pleased to share some highlights from our most recent event.

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